February 7, Reading 3 – Matthew 26:3-30


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These verses cover four major events in that last week. The unnamed woman and her faith highlight the darkness of both the chief priests and Judas. What verse speaks to you and to your situation?

SJA Notes

* Dear God, please help us understand more of You today from Your word.

“Then one the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, ‘What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?'”

Matthew wants us to know something very important from this passage.

Directly before Judas goes and betrays Jesus to the church leaders, Jesus points out that we are to give the best that we have.

Whether poor and destitute or blessed with temporal wealth. We are to acknowledge Him with our thought, word and deed.

To pour out the expensive ointment, to see Him as worth EVERYTHING that we have to give (and more).

This is what happens right before Judas walks out, stung to the quick by Jesus’ words, down the streets to the church (temple) and into the vipers’ nest. To betray the King of Kings.

Judas could not understand Jesus!  (remembering he was the accountant for the group, he took care of the money)

Why would Jesus talk about burial and anointing? Even the other disciples agreed with Judas at the time, why waste that fine expensive perfume?

Judas just couldn’t understand Jesus.

This is important for us to remember.

God must open blind eyes and deaf ears. The Spirit must pour new life into dead hearts.

To love and serve and truly (start to) understand Jesus – We must be born again!

Which is something only God can do.

Let us remember to put God in His rightful place in our lives. And pray that He would call others too, saving the souls of those around us.

* Gracious Lord,

Please help us to promote You in all that we do. To give to Jesus all that we are, our best ointments and perfumes.

That what we do might be acceptable to You.

Please save those around us, draw them to You, break open minds and revive hearts Lord God – For Your honor and Your glory.


February 6, Reading 3 – Matthew 25:31-26:2


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This parable is a frightening one – frightening for your complacency and mine. True religion is of most earthly use!

SJA Notes

* Dear God, thank You for this day, and for Your word that we can read on this day. Please help us to understand You a little better today.

“… one of the least of these …”

How do we as God’s people treat those in our midst who our weak and vulnerable, those who are the least?

For both the sheep and the goats, God’s focus is on the treatment of the “least of these”.

How we treat people is a very important indicator of the truth of our hearts.

We know this, we can see it very clearly.

Hypocrisy is pretty easy to identify in other people.

Can we see it in us?

* Good Shepherd God,

Please give us a heart after Your own heart, a desire to see Your Name praised.

Please help us to give ourselves in generosity without thought of return.

Please give us opportunity to serve those around us.

Please help us to give food and drink, to welcome, to clothe, to visit and show other-centred love-that-is-action.

We are Your sheep Lord, may we love as You have loved us.


February 5, Reading 3 – Matthew 25:1-30


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These two parables again make the point: don’t fixate on eschatology (end times theories) or waste your time living unto yourself. Keep watch. Be ready. Use what you have and who you are for the Lord in His higher purposes for your life.

SJA Notes

* Lord God, thank You for planting Your word with us, Your people. Please grow it in us today, that we might be good soil and bear much fruit.

“In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

A number of times in the previous readings we have heard Jesus speak of this place, the destination for any who are not in God’s kingdom.

What does it mean to have a heart for the lost?

One thing it means is that we grasp the great severity of this destination.

This is the outer darkness.

There is weeping and gnashing of teeth (anguish and pain, turmoil).

It is the opposite to our future hope in glory, the new heavens and new earth.

The place of true light (because God is our light, and in this place there is no need for the sun).

There is no more weeping or sorrow, no more pain or anguish.

What does it mean to have a heart for the lost?

Let us want for those in unbelief around us to be in the kingdom of light having moved out from the kingdom of darkness!

One is a future with no hope. This earth is as good as it will be.

The other is a great inheritance, a hope set and founded in the Almighty God, His promises to us, His work done for us, life after this life (and what a life!).

Do our hearts long for the lost to be saved?

* Father God,

Please help us see Jesus today. To understand Him/You better.

And please help us to point others to Him.

Please save the lost around us Lord God, our friends and family, please save them in Your grace and mercy!
