June 5, Reading 2 – Obadiah


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Edom had a 1000 year history of conspiring to destroy Israel up to Obadiah’s time of 590BC. Have you experienced some unrelenting attack? Draw strength from this knowledge – that God has secured the future for His people. The meaning of Obadiah’s name is Serving the Lord.

SJA Notes

* Lord God, please open our eyes to Your word today. Teach us as You see fit.

“For the day of the LORD is near upon all nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you; your deeds shall return on your own head.”

Here is a word for those who war against God and His people.


The folly of unbelief and actively seeking the destruction of God’s kingdom is that you live under the law and not under grace.

The message from Obadiah is – Do not gloat!

If you are living under the law, then the law must be perfectly kept.

And there is not a single human who has or is or will perfectly keep the law. Not a single human, except God in the Person of the Son, our King Jesus, who became man.

What is the message then for humanity, what are we left with?

Here is the good news of Jesus!

Because of Jesus we can escape the just wrath from God’s law broken and not kept.

In Jesus, saved by His grace and His mercy shown to us undeserved – In Him we find refuge from the final judgement.

This is our hope, the good news, that Jesus took our punishment, judgement, so that we could find peace with God!

Do not be like Edom.

* Father God,

Please give us a heart for the lost.

Please help us to point those around us to Jesus.

Please save those around us!
