SAA Notes
Hear these words on Jesus’ lips as He came to the Last Supper. Mark 14:27 In chapter 14, deliverance is in the split ROCK! From Him flows the living water. Zechariah finishes with the Feast of Tabernacles – the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. The harvest will be completed.
SJA Notes
* Creator God, please show us what Your word means for us today.
“Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered;”
This is a message that we see enacted with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who seeks and saves the lost.
Jesus knows this passage is about Him when He tells those with Him in the garden, before the betrayal,
“You will all fall away because of me this night. For it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'”
We see in the striking the outworking of God’s great love for His people, that He would pour His wrath out on His beloved son, fully man and fully God – So that we would be saved.
It is the message of Zachariah that we have seen layered over and over,
“They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’: and they will say, ‘The LORD is my God.'”
How good then it is that we can say of the creator God, the one who holds up the universe with His power today, that He chose to enter into covenant with us as a people, to offer us salvation individually – That we can be born again into a right relationship with Him.
Hallelujah, what a God we have!
* God Above,
What a hard message it is of Your love, that You would strike Your Son, the Good Shepherd, Jesus.
But what a strange and wondrous joy it is for us, that in the striking, by His wounds – We are healed!
Thank You Lord.
What else have we to do but cry out to You, to fall before You, to bear Your Name – That You are our God, we are Your people.