SAA Notes
He is risen! Every Sunday we remember this glorious event. Its light is to gladden every week and direct your paths into Christ’s ways. One practice over the centuries is to read from one of the four Gospel resurrection accounts each Sunday.
SJA Notes
* God Above, please draw us closer to You today through the reading of Your word.
“So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.”
With fear and great joy!
See the outworking of the reality of Jesus here, in His friends who were waiting at the tomb.
What hope they must have held dear in their hearts to sit and wait at t5he place where the body of Jesus was laid.
“And behold, Jesus met them and said, ‘Greetings!'”
Can you imagine!
Such fulfillment of the hope, made real – Jesus alive and talking with them.
Death could not hold Him.,
Praise God, what a Saviour we have – Risen from the dead!
* Dear Father,
Please guide us each day, draw us onward to You, grow us more like Jesus every single day.
Thank You that He is indeed the risen Christ, our King and Saviour – That death could not defeat Him, but that He instead defeated death, forever.