February 10, Reading 3 – Matthew 27:1-26


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Judas testifies to this fact: Jesus was innocent! The shepherds of Israel reveal themselves to be evil shepherds, indifferent to the welfare of the flock and to each member. (Ezekiel 34) Pilate’s political expediency is shown in its true colours.

SJA Notes

* Father in Heaven, thank You that You came to earth and lived amongst us, Your Word become Flesh. Please remind us of what You did then from Your word today.

“And all the people answered, ‘His blood be on us and on our children.'”

This is such a gut-wrenching passage in many ways, and the verse above is terrifying in its scope.

We see mob mentality, group-think, in full swing.

Pilate tried (weakly albeit) to be a dissenting voice.

The crowd yelled louder.

Crucify Him!

Even at a very important question (What evil has He done?), they refused to think and instead shouted the same message louder.

Crucify Him!

This grouping of people, instigators and participators alike, they murdered the spotless and perfect Lamb of God.

They crucified God in the Person of the Son, the Prince of Peace, Immanuel – God With Us.

They killed Him!

And they opened up full vent without a care for the shedding of His blood, either for them or their children.

And this is what is terrifying.

To place the blood of the Creator God on the responsibility-shoulders on their own children.

As if it were a light thing.

As then so now.

We do the same. We perhaps thank we wouldn’t be a part of a mob such as killed Jesus.

But the message of God’s word is that we would, we are fallen man and our hearts are deceitful above all things.


God’s word also tells us that we _were_ a part of the mob.

Not because we were present in that crowd of people.

But because of God’s great mercy to us.

Jesus went to the cross BECAUSE OF and FOR us.

In 1 Peter 2 we read,

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”

The good news for the children of that mob so long ago, and even for any who participated themselves, and for us today! – Is that God the Son gave Himself up as a sacrifice for many, for the forgiveness of sins.

Through His blood shed on the tree.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

* Father God,

Thank You for Jesus, through whom we are saved!


February 9, Reading 3 – Matthew 26:58-75


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All the gospels witness to this fact – the chief priests could not find any testimony against Jesus to condemn Him. They condemned Him by the words of His own mouth – something highly illegal in Israel. (Confession was inadmissible in a Jewish law-court. A person can lie for any number of reasons or easily be coerced.)

SJA Notes

* Dear God, please show us Your majesty today, that we might know You better.

“Then they spit in his face and struck him. And some slapped him, saying, ‘Prophesy to us, you Christ! Who is it that struck you?'”

The humility of Jesus bears great thought.

Who is this man?

Isaiah speaks of Jesus here in this moment,

“He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.”

Who is this man, that would stay quiet while other men reveal their hypocrisy and depth of hatred in a miscarriage of justice that will (and did) reverberate through creation itself?

Who is this?

In yesterday’s passage we read of the true power Jesus had at His disposal,

“Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels.”

What humility this man who is God, the Creator God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Mighty to Save, Majesty and honor are His – What humility He shows!

Oppressed and afflicted, with the Father’s omnipotence at hand to bring to bear – And yet He chooses to walk this narrow road filled with the shadow of death and terrible pain.

For us.

Jesus did it for us.

* Mighty God Above,

Thank You for Jesus, who bore the curse of sin that we deserve, so that we can go free.

It is beyond us to fully understand how He bore it meekly, with all humility, but Lord we would try. Please help us understand and follow obediently.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour!


February 8, Reading 3 – Matthew 26:31-57


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It is comforting to know that Jesus had to wrestle in prayer. He did not have it easy. The wonderful thing is that Jesus overturned Adam’s rejection in the garden of the Word of the Lord.

SJA Notes

* Dear Lord God, thank You for Your word to us today.

“Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?”

The betrayal of Judas did not come unexpected to Jesus. He was not surprised and then “oh well” chose to go the cross.

We read it all through the gospels, Jesus _knew_ He was headed to death on the cross.

He knew God’s word, He was God’s word. That the messiah would die a sinner’s death to take on the just punishment for the sin of every single one of His people.

Judas and a small band of men were nothing to Jesus in terms of power and war.

This is the King of Kings, who commands the armies of the Lord.

When one or two heavenly beings lay waste to an entire city and its surroundings (see what happened to Sodum), then more than twelve legions of these beings – That’s power which dwarfs our understanding.

Jesus had that power.

Himself, the energy by which creation itself was spun together, and the energy by which creation continues.

And at His command, legions of heavenly warriors.

And yet.

We read from the book of Philippians chapter 2,

“And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

This is the Saviour of the world.

* Heavenly Father,

Please help us to know Jesus better today from Your word.

Please help us to grow in our understanding, as we come to You and Your word in reverence and holy fear.

Thank You Lord!
