June 8, Reading 2 – Joel 3


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Judgment and blessing – these are corollaries, not opposites. This chapter is rich in metaphor and memorable picture language. The fountain prophecy comes to its fulfilment with Jesus, the water of life. (John 14:14, Revelation 21:6,22:1,17)

SJA Notes

* Gracious Lord, please open our eyes today to this portion of Your word. Teach us Lord, show us Jesus.

“I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgement with them there, …”

Humanity together cannot all “just be friends”.

Not with each other, and not with God.

God is JUDGE. And He judges SIN.

God’s word tells us that there are two states for us on the final day of judgement.

You are either found in Christ or you are not. You are either one of His sheep or you are a goat (not a sheep). You are either standing before the judge with Jesus’ righteousness as yours, or you stand on your own.

In the _now_, we cannot be one world living in harmony.

There will always be snakes and wolves who deceive and rend and tear.

The message of God’s word, to us and to the world around us, is that there is hope and love ONLY BECAUSE Jesus came and took the punishment for our own sin on Himself.

We all deserve the just punishment for our sin.

The good news is that Jesus makes it possible to escape God’s wrath by believing in Him as King and Saviour.

We stand in Him on that final day of judgement.

* Father God,

Please help us as we grapple with these truths we read here in the book of Joel.

Thank You that in Jesus we can escape Your just and holy wrath, the penalty for our rebellion, our rejection of You and Your law.

Please protect Your people from wolves that are amongst us in sheep’s clothing.

We trust in You, God Almighty, You are our refuge and strength!


June 7, Reading 2 – Joel 2


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Chapter 2 is a vivid picture of being in a locust swarm and of its effect on the land. Verses 13,14 call for national heart repentance not national ritual or ceremony. Consider the promise of verse 25. Peter tells us in Acts 2:16-21 that verses 28-32 were fulfilled at Pentecost.

SJA Notes

* Dear Lord, please open our eyes to Your word today. Show us what we need to see.

“For the day of the LORD is great and very awesome; who can endure it?”

Here is a clear picture of God’s intentions for humanity.

Who will survive that final day of judgement?

Joel tells us,

“Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love;”

This is part of our story to tell the nations.

There is a war on. Our King Jesus did not and will not slink quietly into the night. There is an end, a judgement, when all mankind will be weighed before the JUST and HOLY God.

And there is hope! A sure and steady hope.

“Who knows whether he will not turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind him,”

God did this!

In Jesus we have BLESSING (not curse).

This is our God. He has given Himself for His people so that we can escape His just and righteous wrath.

* Gracious Father,

Thank You for leaving a blessing behind.

Thank You for You in the Person of the Spirit, our helper in this life, our companion along this narrow way.

Thank You for You in the Person of the Son, who became curse so that we might have blessing.

Thank You for You in the Person of the Father, that we can call You Abba, Father.

Please was us clean this day from the sin that clings like dust as we walk this road, please forgive us today Lord.


June 6, Reading 2 – Joel 1


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SAA Notes

Joel: The Lord is God! Joel wrote about 790BC in the Kingdom of Judah, with his contemporary Amos in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The terrible calamity of a locust plague had befallen Palestine. Obadiah sees natural disasters as a potent reminder of sin’s cosmic consequences and hence an occasion for repentance – returning to God.

SJA Notes

* Father God, please open our eyes to the message of Joe today as we read this passage.

“What the cutting locust left, the swarming locust has eaten.”

Israel has been decimated, ravaged by destroyers.

Joel calls out to both the people and the leaders of the people,

“Put on sackcloth and lament, O priests; wail, O ministers of the altar.”

Joel is calling Israel to repentance.

“Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly. Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD.”


This is a hard word for us today, for the church here and across the world.

Remember the Lord. Remember what He has done. Remember that He saves us. Remember His word, written on our hearts, never forget!

This is a word for us today.

* O Lord God,

We call and cry out to You.

Please sink us in self and raise Yourself in our place.

Please mark us as a humble and contrite people before You, the one and true God. Our God.

Please forgive us Lord for our sin.
