November 30, Reading 1 – 2 Chronicles 30


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Hezekiah kept the Passover! This was an example to follow for the returnees, and is an example for us today! In Gospel terms, we should not absent ourselves from the Lord’s Table. This sacrament is most necessary for our spiritual refreshment, growth and well-being.

SJA Notes

* Lord Above, Your wisdom gives prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth – Thank You Lord!

“However, some men of Asher, of Manasseh, and of Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem.”

The Passover (the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a reminder of what God did in rescuing His people out of Egypt) was being celebrated again!

There is great importance for God’s people to remember what God has done, for us.

As Israel was to remember God’s rescue of them out of Egypt, so we today are to remember God’s rescue of us out of our sin – In the Person of God the Son, Jesus Christ – His death and resurrection.

That is what we do when we celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

It is not a tradition of man, it is not a nice homily – Instead in the doing, in the practice, we grow closer to our God!

Remember what God has done protects us from the evil one, we are drawn closer to one another, we are reminded of the world and what it is.

When we remember what Jesus did for us we are shown the character of God. His steadfast love and faithfulness without end. His mercy to sinners, those deserving of His justice (all of us, every one), the right punishment for our rejection of Him.

And when we remember what Jesus did for us we are shown the truth of who we are.

Just like the people of Asher, Manasseh and Zebulun – We should humble ourselves before the Lord.

Are we letting our own pride inhibit us from the true worship of our God?

This was a question for the returning exiles. It is a question for us today.

* Father God in Heaven,

Thank You for rescuing us from our sin.

Thank You for Your grace and Your mercy to us. Thank You that You keep Your promises.

Please help us to come before You with humility in our hearts, today and onwards.

Please show us Jesus today.


November 30, Reading 2 – Ezekiel 46


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There are many echoes of Ezekiel in Revelation eg Revelation 10:9-11 = Ezekiel 3:1-6. The prince brings our captivity captive (by offering Himself on the cross as the Lamb) and gives gifts unto men – Ephesians 4:8.

SJA Notes

* Dear God, please help us see Your truth today, from Your word. Please open our eyes and unstop our ears.

“The prince shall not take any of the inheritance of the people, thrusting them out of their property. He shall give his sons their inheritance out of his own property, so that none of my people shall be scattered from his property.”

The idea of land that is promised (property in the above verse, given in promise) is very strong throughout God’s word.

We have the lot of land that Abraham purchased in the not-yet (at that time) promised land.

We have Joshua’s entry into the promised land with God’s people.

We have the exile of God’s people from the promised land due to their sin, their idolatry (turning away from God).

We have the return from exile to the land (Nehemiah and Ezra tell of this).

What for us today?

Should we set our hopes on a piece of land here on earth?

In Hebrews 11 we read, of Abraham,

“But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.”

While Abraham had the promise for his biological children to enter into Canaan (still those of the promise, Jacob loved, Esau hated) – This was not his great hope, the greater promise!


Because he desired a BETTER COUNTRY, the new heavens and earth (Revelation 21).

Do we desire the better country, the greater promise, that God is preparing for us?

* Father God,

Please fix our eyes on You, please help us to trust Your promises to us, please set our hearts on a better country than that which we live in.

Please put within us the steady and unshakeable hope of glory.


November 30, Reading 3 – 1 John 1


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John begins his letter in a manner similar to the beginning of his Gospel. It is easy to pretend to others and yourself that you don’t sin, that you are a good person. Why is it important to confess our sins to God and not pretend to Him or to ourselves?

SJA Notes

* Dear Lord, please continue to plant Your word in us and grow it, that we might be good soil and bear much fruit.

“… That God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”

Here is a deep fundamental truth that must resonate through our thoughts, our views, our words and deeds.


We are to be people living in God’s light. God’s light within us (His Spirit at work), shining to those around us.

Do we keep the light under a bushel? No!

It is not our light, we do not generated it. This light comes from God.

But it is shown to those around us, through us. That is why the way we walk in this light is so important.

And John points us to a critical element of living in the light, in having fellowship with God – That we confess our sin, to acknowledge that we are sinners.

We can have fellowship, as we confess, because of what Jesus has done – His blood shed cleanses us from our sin.

John’s words here are both encouragement and exhortation, rebuke and confirmation.

Let us walk in God’s light today and onwards!

* God Above,

You are light. In You is no darkness at all.

Thank You that Jesus’ blood cleanses us from our sin.

Thank You that we can walk in Your light.

Please help us to shine bright with Your light.
