June 4, Reading 2 – Song of Solomon 6:10-8:14


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Grape vines budding and pomegranates flowering in the grove of nut trees are two very explicit images that should be immediately understandable (especially if you’ve seen the process of a pomegranate flowering). God’s design for humanity is chastity, not celibacy. All must be chaste, while some might have to be both, as Jesus said of Himself. Matthew 19:12

SJA Notes

* God Above, thank You for Your steadfast love and faithfulness without end.

“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.”

Every part of God’s word is HIS WORD.

Which means this passage, in which we read of the act of sex between husband and wife – these passages are important.

We have a very clear word from God on the beauty that He has ordered and ordained for sex within the bonds of marriage.

Wisdom is heard again,

“… That you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases.”

The world tells us loud and often that we need to express our freedom to be sexual beings, to be overt in our sexuality, not to be held back by archaic regulations.

Here in this song God points us to His creation order. Husband and wife bound up in marriage. Within that faithful covenant we find beauty such as sex.

This order is what is good and beneficial for us. God gave us this order, these rules, they make sense!

Sex does not eclipse everything else that is good and right in marriage, but it has a beautiful place.

* Creator God,

Thank You for this Your word. Please write it on our hearts today.

For those of us who are single, please mark us as faithful servants of Your will.

Help us to practice holiness, listening to You rather than the world.

For those of us who are marriage, please mark us as faithful servants of Your will.

Help us to reflect Your wonderful order for marriage in every aspect, including sex.


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