April 15, Reading 2 – Psalm 132, 133


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Unity amongst the members of a congregation, a presbytery is very precious. This is something we need to tell ourselves often: that such unity is good and pleasant. Our unity is firstly one of faith in Christ, a spiritual unity. As parents let their children know how it pleases them that their children are friends, so does the Lord with us.

SJA Notes

* Holy God, thank You for the promise we have in Zion, the New Jerusalem, Your city.

“For the LORD has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his dwelling place: ‘This is my resting place forever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it.'”

There is an important distinction between the _now_ and the _not yet_ realities in God’s word.

There is Jerusalem (Zion) below; before Jesus a man-made city with a bricks-and-mortar-temple, and after Jesus translated into where His people are – a building not made with human hands.

And there is Jerusalem (Zion) above – That which we look forward to.

In God’s supernatural power, we as the below can experience the above in part now (as we long for the above in full truth, fully revealed on that final day when our Lord returns).

These are big truths, hard to comprehend, and can take time for us to grasp.

Let us be encouraged to faithfully read through God’s word, Genesis to Revelation, each day, year by year – Asking our God for the wisdom He has for us, for the day.

* God Above,

Please open our eyes to what You want us to understand from Your word today.

Little or big, great or small – Thank You for Your word, there is nothing that is not valuable and worthy from it!


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