March 28, Reading 1 – Leviticus 4:27-5:13


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Sin is defined as acts of omission (failure to speak when you should) as well as acts of commission! The sins listed in Chapter 5 deal with what to us are slightly ridiculous things like touching the carcase of something that has died or human excrement, or giving a thoughtless promise. However, they all have to do with health – either physical or relational. We have in Australia mountainous regulations governing butcher shops for the same public health reasons.

SJA Notes

* Dear God, You are faithful and true. Please teach us from Your word today.

“… If he cannot afford …”

There were gradients of what to offer based on what the person could afford to give.

As we think about what affording for sin might look like, we come to Jesus.

Because none of us can afford to purchase or bring the offering that fully pays for our sin.

The atonement actions in this passage were done by the Aaronic-line priest and were temporary and could not last.

But the atonement worked by the Great High Priest of the order of Melchizedek, won through His offering of Himself as the perfect Lamb Slain – The once-for-all sacrifice that does pay our penalty – This is lasting and true.

We have a sure and steady hope – Because of Jesus!

* Dear Lord God,

Thank You for Jesus, whose blood pays what that of bulls and rams could not.

Thank You for saving us from darkness into light.

Thank You Lord for Your love for us, worked out on the cross.


March 28, Reading 2 – Psalm 104


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Nature shows ample evidence of its Creator’s hand! There is intelligence, creativity, thoughtfulness, care and even humour in our God – all seen in His nature, His world!

SJA Notes

* True God, may Your glory endure forever, may we sing praises to You while we have our being.

“When you send forth your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground.”

Here we read of and see the importance of God’s continuing active hand in creation. Even today.

God’s provision to the creates is clear.

God’s order and sovereignty over life itself.

God did not create the world and then leave.

God did not spin up a creation in motion and then go off and start another project, forgetting about us.

God continues!

God’s presence right now, today, is real and active – Regardless of what the world might think.

God renews the face of the ground – THIS IS THE LORD.

May His glory endure forever.

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

* Almighty God,

You are creator, sustainer and life-giver.

There is none like You.

Thank You that You are still active today, still intentional, still powerful to save.

Thank You that through Your power the world is still upheld today.


March 28, Reading 3 – Acts 27:27-28:10


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Paul was shipwrecked three times, but wrote about only this one time. What do you learn in this account of how faith has moulded Paul? Doctrine is just the clear knowledge of God. What doctrines would produce such peace?

SJA Notes

* Holy God, thank You for giving to us Your word each day.

“… And giving thanks to God in the presence of all he broke it [the bread] and began to eat.”


Paul was bold and open in his practice of holiness.

He exercised his belief and took opportunity in the presence of all to given thanks to our Sovereign God for the food they were about to eat.


This is a clear exhortation for us today, in the situations God arranges for us.

Let us be encouraged to take every opportunity, whatever the situation, to point to Jesus – The reality of His reign and rule over our lives.

* Gracious God,

Thank You for Jesus.

Thank You for this day.

Thank You for our daily bread, Your word, our spiritual sustenance.

Please help us to be clear and bold in our witness to You throughout all our days.
