SAA Notes
Gog and Magog are those who conquer through terror and war. Notice in verse 22, the plagues of Egypt. The ruthless don’t get the final victory. They too will tremble at His presence.
SJA Notes
* Gracious Heavenly Father, please help us see Your wisdom for us today from Your word.
“So I will show my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”
As we have read and will continue to read through God’s word, God’s desire is that we KNOW HIM.
Today’s passage features the vast armies of God and Magog.
In Revelation 20 we read,
“And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea.”
We can see that this army represents nations such as Assyria and Babylon, who we know God used as vehicles for his purposes.
From Revelation we can see that this army will continue to represent throughout the ages, until the last battle, until that last trumpet sounds.
What do we do with this?
What value does this truth have for us today?
Think about the landscape of the world around us. The powers and movements, politics and wars.
Think on God’s desire.
God will continue to work out His purposes, amidst all the evil we see in the world, all the things that go wrong.
God works good even amidst terrible evil.
Which brings us to Jesus, the greatest good brought through the greatest evil.
How do we KNOW God?
We need to come to Jesus. If we know Him, we know God.
Read John 14 for a wonderful exhortation in this.
Do we know Jesus today?
* Father God,
Thank You that in Jesus we can know You.
Please save those around us, please open their eyes and unblock their ears, that they would be set free!