November 14, Reading 1 – 2 Chronicles 5:1-6:11


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

The first worship service in the new temple is that of its dedication. We have a précis of Solomon’s speech. Notice the singing and musical theme of the service in verse 13 – He is good; His mercy is forever!

SJA Notes

* God in Heaven, we give thanks to You – For You are good, Your steadfast love endures forever!

“… And it was the duty of the trumpeters and singers to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the LORD) …”

This was a big deal. A nation-wide event, broadcast everywhere!

The Lord’s covenant promises had come to pass for Israel, for His people. King David had defeated their enemies, and King Solomon had built a house for the Lord, and His ark and covenant tablets were brought into the house.

Then the most amazing thing of all happened.

“… The house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the house of God.”

The GLORY OF GOD filled His house!

God came down. God visited His people. He came and stood in a house here on earth.

This is certainly one of the high points, maybe even for many _the_ high point of Israel’s history.

How said it is though that long years later, when God Himself visited in human form, healing the sick, banishing demons, forgiving sin – the divine walking amongst us – How sad that Israel had such trouble seeing Jesus.

But how wonderful it is for us to see God here in Chronicles filling His earthly house, and to know that Jesus came as a better temple, to build a better house!

* God Almighty,

The imagery of Your glory filling the temple in Jerusalem can fill us with awe and wonder.

Please help us to recognise You at work in us, building us up as holy stones, to be Your house now in shadowed-vision and in the not yet in fully-realised truth.

Lord we long for that day!


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