October 24, Reading 3 – 2 Timothy 4


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

The opening verses form the basis of a good prayer to pray for every minister. Do you feel like Paul at times – deserted? Write to someone and encourage him or her. Take Paul’s example.

SJA Notes

* Dear God, You are the Creator God, Sustainer of all things, Giver of life. Please teach us today.

“… Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.”

In both letters to Timothy the apostle Paul makes a big deal out of teaching and listening.

His charge to Timothy is clear. And it is a charge to us all too.

Preaching. Readiness. Truth-sayer.

What do we preach?

God’s word and our obedience to it, we preach to those around us through our behaviour, through how we hold God’s Name.

Are we to take a back seat and let opportunities to tell people about Jesus go by?

No. Be ready at all times!

How do we tell the truth (reprove, rebuke, exhort)?

With complete patience and teaching!

This is good wisdom for all of us.

God’s people, regardless of vocation and calling, are to preach God’s word to those around us in thought, word and deed.

We are all to practice godliness, to humanly-speaking write God’s word on our hearts (trusting that God’s Spirit will write His word in permanent ink on our hearts).

And we are to be productive people; reproving, rebuking and exhorting one another – WITH complete patience and teaching.

Do not think to reprove or rebuke or exhort if you are impatient in the situation. Practice patience!

* Father God,

Please make us more like Jesus each day.

We love You Lord.

Please help us be light and salt in this world.


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