October 17, Reading 3 – 1 Timothy 3


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

What should you pray for your elders? This list is of the characteristics an elder should have. Use this list to pray for your elders and the other list for members of your Committee of Management.

SJA Notes

* Dear Father in Heaven – You are God, we are Your people. Please teach us from Your word today.

“… But I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.”

Why does Paul give such clear and detailed words on the oversight and governance of our churches?

Because we need to know how to _behave_ in the household of God!

Paul isn’t just putting out some crazy ideas that may or may not work within the social order of humanity at a certain time in history.

These are importance foundational aspects to our responsibility within God’s church (ours and all who have gone before, and all who will go after) – How we are able to be a part of keeping it as a pillar and buttress of the truth.

So whether its Elders and Deacons or Husbands and Wives, or anything else he raises – These words are meant for us to know how to behave. How to operate as God’s people with each other and in the world.

Let’s remember this when buffeted by worldly wisdom that pressures us into compromising the good news of Jesus.

* Father God,

Thank You that You are always building Your church.

Thank You that You teach us in Your word how we are to behave in your household.

Please mark Your church in this time as a pillar and buttress of the truth.


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