SAA Notes
David is met with both blessing and cursing. David too has a Judas, his close friend and confidante Ahithophel. A like end comes to both – death by hanging. You wonder if Judas did not choose to hang himself because he realised the parallels. The Messiah will be a suffering Messiah.
SJA Notes
* Dear God, please show us Your steadfast love and grant us Your salvation.
“Now in those days the counsel of Ahithophel was as if one consulted the word of God; so was all the counsel of Ahithophel esteemed, both by David and by Absalom.”
What does it say that not only the pretender Absalom but also David himself, the Lord’s Christ, esteemed the counsel of Ahithophel so highly?
We see that Ahithophel does not have the same heart after God’s own that David does.
Ahithophel works to kill David, the Lord’s anointed.
What does this mean for us then?
It is the same thing we have seen time and time again.
David was only a man. As great a king as he was, he was more a broken sinner who made faulty decision based on limited understanding and foolish behaviour.
We need a king who knows the hearts of man!
As the Lord Himself told Samuel,
“Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”
We need a king who looks on our hearts.
What a joy and a solid hope it is that in Jesus we have such a king!
* Gracious God Above,
Thank You that even when our hearts were dead in sin and trespass, You gave up Yourself to take the penalty and punishment, to completed resolve our situation.
Because of You we who were once in darkness now walk in light.
Because of You we who were once dead in our sins are now alive in Christ.
Because of You we now have the hope of eternal life!
Thank You!