SAA Notes
Several chapters are devoted to Gideon, because he epitomises the mixed state of Israel at that time. His life’s work ends in the snare of the golden ephod, or priest’s special garment. The religious symbol meant more to them than God Himself. Is there anything like the ephod in my life?
SJA Notes
* Great God in Heaven, do not forsake us, be not far from us – Make haste to help us, O Lord, our salvation!
“And Gideon made an ephod of it and put it in his city, in Ophrah. And all Israel whored after it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and to his family.”
It is often in life that the very strength we might think we have gets turned around and very quickly becomes a point a weakness.
Previously we have read that Gideon was named Jerubbaal – Meaning “Let Baal contend against him.”
Gideon was used to tear down idols, and yet in the end made decisions that turned not just him, not just his family, but all of Israel back into idolatry.
Worshipping things other than the Lord God Almighty.
The Lord who says to have no other gods but HIM.
Both of these elements can be true for us today.
We can be proud in some strength, thinking there is something in ourselves, little by little eroding our trust in God.
We can easily become ensnared in idolatry and lead others down that road.
In Jesus we have a better Gideon, a leader – A King! – who leads us, who makes only good decisions, who is our God that we worship.
Him and Him alone – When our eyes are turned to Jesus, they are not on any other thing!
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2
* True God,
You alone are worthy of worship – Please mark us as a faithful people, as we meet for corporate worship, as we gather for fellowship, as we go our ways through the week.
Please help us set our minds on things above.
Please help us keep our eyes fixed on You and You alone.