May 1, Reading 2 – Proverbs 9


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SAA Notes

Wisdom versus Folly (Stupidity). This distinction is the key to sanctification, to a faith that bears fruit, to a faith WITH works. This distinction is the key too to James’ letter in the New Testament. The proverbs of chapters 10-31 are there to help us see this distinction in everyday life.

SJA Notes

“Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!”

See the two personified women here in this passage, Wisdom and Folly.

They both call out to those who pass by,

“Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!”

This is important to understand. Wisdom calls to us. But so too does Folly.

And look at the _end_ of each of them, showing the vast chasm of difference between them.

Wisdom (God’s wisdom) ends in LIFE. Folly (rejecting God’s wisdom) ends in DEATH.

Judas (Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus) is a good example of a life of folly. He rejected God’s wisdom all the way up to death, and so ended in DEATH.

Judas listened to the call of folly, and found death.

Peter (Simon, who denied Jesus on the night He was betrayed) is a good example of a life of wisdom. He harkened to Jesus teaching, believed in His Name, and was saved unto LIFE.

Peter listened to the call of wisdom, and found life.

Let us be people who heed God’s word, from start to finish. Let us find life, and life to the full! Let us see Jesus!

* Gracious Father,

Please open our eyes today to see Jesus. Whether for the first time or over and over again.

May we see Jesus today Lord God. May we know a little better the fullness of Your love for us, the breadth of Your grace, the depth of Your mercy.

Please Lord, write Your word on our hearts today.


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