March 24, Reading 1 – Leviticus 1


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SAA Notes

Leviticus is a book that looks at the question: how may a person be clean before God? The burnt offering was wholly consumed on the altar. Nothing was eaten. The offering had to be without defect. All of this helps us understand the meaning and purpose of Jesus’ death.

SJA Notes

* Faithful God, thank You for Your faithfulness to us, even while we were faithless.

“… A food offering with a pleasing aroma to the LORD.”

Offers with a pleasing aroma to the LORD.

We read here the prescribed pattern for burnt offerings.

Paul works deep through this understanding in Ephesians ch 2 where he says,

“And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

Here is the heavenly truth writ large!

That while Moses was given the law of burnt offerings we see that it is only a precursor, a pointer, to Jesus – Who gave Himself up for us!

His sacrifice was a fragrant offerings.

And so we can imitate Him, offering up ourselves as living sacrifices (Romans ch 12).

Through Jesus we can be sweet-smelling offerings to our God. This is a wonderful thing to remember and to dwell on.

How am I offering up myself today as Jesus did?

* Gracious Lord God,

Thank You for Your word that points us to Jesus from start to finish.

Please help us to imitate You in our lives, each day.

Please help us to be as Jesus to those around us, offering up ourselves to our neighbours, our friends and family, those we meet.

Thank You for Your love for us!


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