SAA Notes
Faith in Christ makes one pessimistic (or realistic) about human nature, but optimistic about God and His present power and plan in this world. Paul knows that some of the Miletian elders were wolves, yet he can commend them to God’s care and leave.
SJA Notes
* Holy God, thank You for Your word that You place on our hearts. Please teach us today.
“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”
This is the crux of Paul.
This is what matters to Paul.
This is what drives Paul.
We see the outpouring of love showed to Paul as he says final goodbyes to many fellow believers.
We read his exhortations to work hard, to give without thought of receipt.
And we read of Paul’s concern that wolves would come in and rend the flock.
But running through all of this is his desire to tell people about Jesus.
Do you and I have that same desire, that drive, is this what matters to us?
* Creator God Above,
You alone are worthy of our praise – Hallelujah, we praise Your Name!
You alone are worthy of our worship – May we offer up our very lives as living sacrifices to You.
You alone save us and grow us, drawing us along the narrow road.
Please mark us as a faithful people, hearts driven to point people to Jesus, believers and unbelievers alike.