SAA Notes
Job 38:2 refers to all five men! But Job knows that it refers to him. The Lord is dealing with him face to face! God does not answer Job question as to why this has happened. What God does is reveal His glory, wonder and goodness to Job through the natural creation.
SJA Notes
* Dear God Above, help us to be humble and not self-serving today, help us to serve You without worrying about being seen by others.
“Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Dress for action like a man; I will question you, and you make it known to me.”
Here we are. We have read through thirty-five chapters of debate, and here God enters the court room!
God doesn’t really enter the debate.
The answer that God provides is so alien to man’s understanding that we can find ourselves not comprehending the gravity of His words.
“Where were you …””
These are deep and lasting truths that God speaks here.
ONE – We see who God is.
TWO – We see who we are.
God has shut in the sea with doors. We have not.
God has commanded the morning since the days began. We have not.
God has determined the measurements of the earth, laid its foundation, sunk it bases and laid its cornerstone. We have not!
These are truths that should drive us to Jesus.
These are truths that should strengthen our trust in our God, striking deep at our pride and arrogance, our selfish desires.
Remember the first chapter of Job. The heavenly council, the realities that sit apart from our perception.
This is a God who rules both heaven and earth! He was there when the morning stars sang together, and He is our God, working for us!
These chapters are a trove of humbling knowledge and insight into who God is, and who we are (and our need for Him).
* Creator God,
Please show us today from Your word what You want us to know.
Please humble us today, in the light of Your magnitude and power.
You are God. We are Your people.
Thank You Lord!