December 26, Reading 2 – Zechariah 11


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SAA Notes

Verses 3, 4 explain Christ’s coming, His ministry, His passion. God would provide the Good Shepherd Himself. All leaders need to take the admonition about worthless shepherds seriously.

SJA Notes

* Almighty God, thank You for Your precepts, Your laws, Your rules, Your commands. Please teach us today.

“Woe to my worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock!”

This passage highlights the importance God places on good and right church leadership. The weight He gives the actions of those who are installed to lead God’s people.

Under-shepherds working under the will of the Good Shepherd.

Our God is very clear – if those who shepherd God’s people follow after unjust gain, pursue their own causes, take bribes and pervert justice, preying on the weak and elderly, the widow and the orphan – God detests these people, these leaders.

Let us be encouraged to pray for our church leaders, for those who bring to us God’s word each week, that they might be bound up with the Lord, their foundation God and His word.

* Father God,

Please protect the leaders of our church families as they work under You, the Good Shepherd.

Please restrict the evil of any hidden ravening wolves in our midst.

Please mark us all, whether leaders or not, as people of Your word!

Please write Your word on our hearts today, that we might not sin against You.


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