December 2, Reading 2 – Ezekiel 48


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SAA Notes

Ezekiel ends his prophecies with a section that recalls the division of the land of Palestine under Joshua. God will give His people an eternal inheritance, a real inheritance, a place on the new earth. The LORD is there! Hallelujah!

SJA Notes

* God of Light, please shine Your word on our hearts today.

“And the name of the city from that time on shall be, The LORD Is There.”

While most of today’s passage is taken up with specific allotments of God’s people, the final sentence brings together all that we read in Ezekiel.

As with the rest of God’s word, the book of Ezekiel stirs within us the hope of glory.


What depth of love and mercy, of grace and favour can be found in this name.

In this place there is none of the corruption we see us humanity falling into time and again throughout history, and in our world today.

Instead, this is a city of absolute rock-solid hope.

A better world. A better place. A better country.

Are we resting our hope in this most-precious truth?

* Father God in Heaven,

Thank You for the hope of the new heavenly city that we read of throughout Your word.

Thank You that the name of this city is that YOU ARE THERE.

We long for Your return Lord God.

Please fit us for glory.


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