November 11, Reading 3 – John 9:18-41


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

The man born blind saw more clearly than the whole academic weight of the Jewish world in the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem. Courage and clarity mark this man. All he needs to become His disciple is to meet Jesus. Is there someone you know who needs to see Jesus with such clarity?

SJA Notes

* Dear Lord God, Your Name is worthy of our praise – Hallelujah, our God is with us!

“Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”

The Pharisees could not withstand the power of this newly healed man’s testimony.

In the end, their weak arguments and wrong behaviour were shown in them casting the man out of the synagogue (threatened by Jesus, fearful of their power over people crumbling around them).

How good it is to read of this man’s joy, and the simple profound logic in his fearless response.

“Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.”

Let us be like this man. Fearless in proclaiming our Creator God who has the power over life and death, who can make the blind to see and the deaf to hear – Who for us today saves us from dead hearts, making them alive again, putting within us a desire for God that the world cannot comprehend.

Let this be true of us, and the truth on our lips – That once I was blind, but now I see!

* Holy God,

You heal us from the disease of our sin.

You open our spiritually blind eyes, and unstopper our heart’s deaf ears – You take our heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh.

Hallowed be Your Name!


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