SAA Notes
Original – copy, reality – shadow, these are useful categories for understanding the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself is the reality behind Scripture. The light of Scripture casts Jesus’ shadow back throughout the Old Testament, so that the Law of Moses is His shadow of the good things that will come/be fulfilled when He returns.
SJA Notes
* God of steadfast love and faithfulness, thank You for Your living word to us.
“I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.”
How do we get to this position of God, this promise from Him – To remember our sins no more?
It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.
The old testament covenant was full of sacrificial process.
But the blood shed on the shadowy earthly alter could not atone.
So what they for us?
How do we get our sins remembered no more by the Just God?
“But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, …”
It is His blood shed that takes away sin.
As we saw in yesterday’s passage, He brings about and continues to mediate a better covenant, one established through His sacrifice (once for all).
It is only through Jesus that God looks on us and remembers our sins no more.
How good is this! How wonderful a God we have!
* Holy God,
Your word to us is true.
Please write it on our hearts today.
Please help us understand a little more what it meant that You came to earth in the Person of the Son, Jesus, and offered up Yourself as a once-for-all sacrifice.