October 20, Reading 2 – Lamentations 3


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SAA Notes

Have you ever felt like Jeremiah as he pours out his complaint with God in these first 20 verses? Then meditate on verses 22-27. Why is faithfulness so precious?

SJA Notes

* Dear Lord God, please write Your word on our hearts today.

“He has filled me with bitterness; he has sated me with wormwood.”

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

We might ask – How can Jeremiah (the author of Lamentations) not break under the weight of the big seemingly-opposing truths we read here?

How can these both be true?

Jeremiah was a real person who dealt with the reality of the world around him and his own sin.

His struggles will mirror ours, and we should take long-thought note of his prayers here – Because they point us to Jesus.

Jeremiah ends this passage pointing to the great truth – The Lord has taken up our cause, He is the JUST Lord, He will bring PUNISHMENT.

Which in turn reminds us that we deserved as much punishment as any enemy of our God.

And yet.

God sent Jesus.

To take our punishment on Himself, Your just and true wrath at our sin.

God sent Jesus.

To work our redemption, our rescue, our restorative healing balm.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour – Great is Your faithfulness!

* Great God,

Thank You that You have taken up our cause. Thank You that You see the evil in the world around us today, that You will call to account.

Thank You that You have saved us, that we no longer fear death of the punishment of hell.

Instead, You have granted us the greatest of mercies – Life eternal, life to the full!

Thank You Lord God for Your steadfast love and faithfulness without end.


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