September 24, Reading 3 – Colossians 4:2-18


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Paul gives an extended list of greetings here. Think about what the rest of the New Testament tells you about each one and consider what this list tells you that you can expect to meet in life.

SJA Notes

* Dear God, thank You for today and for Your word to us. Please teach us more of You.

“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

Grace and salt.

These are the ingredients Paul says make up knowing how to answer each person.

Our speech is to be both full of grace _and_ seasoned with salt.

Both of these together.

They are seen best, as it should be, in Jesus. How He spoke, His language and conversations.

Let us wrestle through the process of putting both grace and salt into our words.

* Father God,

Thank You for Your Son Jesus, who shows us how to live.

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, who walks with us each day.

And thank You dear Heavenly Father, for Your steadfast love and faithfulness.

Please help us in our words, help us to be full of Your grace, seasoned with the salt that comes from knowing Your word.


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