SAA Notes
Righteousness is by faith! This is the Gospel key that helped Paul, that helped Luther. It will help you too. Faith leads you to following Christ, to obedience, to deeds that match your profession. “Faith without works is dead” is Paul’s teaching too!
SJA Notes
* Father God, please feed us with the bread of life, Christ Jesus, today – Your word written on our hearts.
“For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.”
We do not follow a man-made god, one in fables an fairy-tales.
Our God is the Creator God whose attributes are clear for us to see in creation!
“So they are without excuse.”
This is a hard word, but is in keeping with all of scripture.
We choose to reject God.
We choose to exchange the truth of God for a lie, serving creature rather than Creator.
There is no excuse that carries us through Judgement Day. There is only Jesus.
There is no excuse that would have God welcome us into His arms. There is only Jesus.
We must worship Him and Him alone. We are to honor Him and give thanks to Him.
More of Jesus, less of us!
* Father God,
Thank You for Jesus, for Your saving grace, that though we were Your enemies You made us Your friends.
Please help us to be wise with Your wisdom.
Please save those around us.