August 18, Reading 2 – Isaiah 66


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

This is the last great chapter of Isaiah. What sort of religion does God esteem? Religion where we are humble and contrite in spirit – where we are doers of what Jesus has said as well as hearers. Our behaviour is to mirror our profession of faith.

SJA Notes

* God above, Your word is truth. Please teach us today.

“But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.”

What does God want from us?

He tells us as we read through His word, day by day.

From this passage today we see a very clear call from the Lord.

“But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.”

Do we tremble at God’s word?

This should be a hard question for us. We should not shrug this off.

This question is born out of what importance and place that we give to the Lord and to His word.

Are we making time for God’s word?

Is God’s word important to us?

Do we hold up God’s word as truth, are we zealous for it?

* Gracious Father,

Please put within us a contrite spirit, a humble heart and mind.

Mark us as a people who tremble at Your word.


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