August 16, Reading 2 – Isaiah 63:15-64:12


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

This reading recounts the spiritual history of Israel. It makes sorry reading, just like our own spiritual histories. The wonderful thing is that God did rend the heavens and come down! (64:1)

SJA Notes

* Faithful God, please draw us closer to You today, show us what You want for us to know.

“There is no one who calls upon your name, who rouses himself to take hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us, and have made us melt in the hand of our iniquities.”

In and of ourselves, we humanity, we have no ability or intent, no agency, to rouse ourselves to take hold of our Creator Lord God – We cannot even make a single movement toward the Lord away from our sin.

_We_ cannot do this!



“But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

Isaiah recognises our state before the Lord, and recognises who the Lord is.

HE is the Father, the Potter, the Creator.

WE are the children, the clay, the work of His hand.

The prophet Ezekiel speaks of a vision that gives us the answer to this dilemma, the Lord speaks regarding the valley of dry bones (our dead-hearted state outside of God),

“And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live, …”

God does the work that we cannot! He moves us even though we are unable.

God saves us. We do not.

God breathes new life into us. We do not.

God’s Spirit is placed within us, so that we are able to walk in obedience, Him alive in us, refining us as precious gold through the fire.

God does this. We do not.

Hallelujah for this!

* All-Powerful God,

Thank You for saving us, making our dead hearts alive in new life.

Thank You for creating us Lord God.

Please help us point those around us to You, because You alone offer salvation from our sin.


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