SAA Notes
Once again we see the cycle of Judges: the death of the judge, the people do evil in God’s eyes; an enemy comes who oppresses them; they repent and call out to God and He sends another judge. We need Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God as our Judge. While He lives, we too will live! Notice that God’s word is not enough for Gideon – this is a judge who falls far short of Moses and Joshua!
SJA Notes
* Dear God, how precious is Your steadfast love! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.
“When the people of Israel cried out to the LORD on account of the Midianites, the LORD sent a prophet to the people of Israel. And he said to them, …”
What does the prophet tell the people?
The same thing that Moses and Joshua exhorted them about not many generations previous.
The LORD led them up from Egypt and brought them out of the house of slavery.
The LORD delivered them from the hand of the Egyptians and the hand of all who oppressed them.
“I am the LORD your God,”
These are potent words for us today.
It is the LORD who has led us from dead hearts and darkness, out of the slavery of sin – Into true life, hearts rebirthed, free from sin.
It is the LORD who delivers us, rescues us, restores us each day.
Let us strive to remember all that the LORD has done and is doing for us.
* Creator God,
You have called us to be Your people – Thank You!
Thank You for Your word that always tells us the truth of what You have done.
Please remind us each day, write Your word on our hearts Lord God.