SAA Notes
The women rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment of God. Sometimes it seems hard and ridiculous to do things God’s way, to obey the Scripture. Let us consider this testimony about these women who were given the privilege of seeing the empty tomb!
SJA Notes
* Dear Lord God, please show us Your wisdom today.
“… Who told these things to the apostles, but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them.”
It is striking that the truth of the resurrection was shown first to a group of women who wanted to tend to Jesus’ dead body (with spices and ointments), and that their excited witness was not believed.
The apostles were the eleven men (Judas having killed himself) who had spent the last three years in ministry with their Lord Jesus.
The apostles were the group of men God used to start a fire that flamed across all the world and continues on to this day, the new church born, the Holy Spirit quickening the hearts of unbelieving Jews and Gentiles alike.
God’s word tells us the truth of us, not the perception we might want people to think.
The apostles did not believe (at the time) the eye-witness account of believers who had been spoken to by angels!
We know from the other gospels that various intertwining stories were happening around the same time. Jesus speaking to Mary. Peter and John running to the tomb.
It is good for us to be reminded that our earthly spiritual leaders are not the source of righteousness or wisdom.
We are all fallen humanity, fallible and prone to err.
But we worship the sovereign God Above, infallible and without error – Our King Jesus!
It is His righteousness that matters, His wisdom we seek and work to implement in our lives.
Let us be, all of us, people of THE BOOK! God’s word written on our hearts.
* Mighty God,
Thank You for that day of resurrection, the first day of the week, the third day – When You in the Person of the Son rose from the dead. You came back to life.
Hallelujah! What a hope we have in You!