May 9, Reading 1 – Numbers 20


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Moses did not hallow God’s Name! (Verse 12) He got so angry with Israel – you rebels! Moses’ righteousness falls short in bridging the chasm of sin. He can not enter the Promised Land – until Jesus and the Mount of Transfiguration!

SJA Notes

* God of steadfast love, You have been to us a fortress, a refuge in the day of our distress – We will sing aloud of Your steadfast love in the morning!

“And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, …”

This passage details a very black mark for Moses.

This is Moses, of whom we read in Numbers 12 was the meekest man on all the earth.

Known through the ages for submission under God’s will (meekness) – And here he rejects God’s will!

Moses goes his own way.

It is anger that Moses gives reign to and strikes the rock.

Surely he was righteous in his anger at Israel? I mean they were complaining, again.

God says in verse 12,

“Because you did not believe in me, to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them.”

Moses’ entry into the promised land at this time is revoked!

A servant of God who gave his life to the people of God, leading them out of Egypt under God’s mighty hand.

Barred entry from the earthly promised land.

Dies on a mountain, body hidden by God.


How wonderful it is that we see Jesus bringing His faithful (but sinful) servant into the promised land! When the Lord meets with Moses and Elijah in the transfiguration on the mountain.

Moses was brought into the promised land by His Saviour!

Through Jesus we are saved into God’s kingdom.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

* Lord God Above,

Thank You for Jesus, who saves us into Your kingdom.

Thank You for Your word here today. Please write it on our hearts.

Please help us to remember You, how You worked in Israel’s life as they walked through the wilderness and toward the promised land.

Please help us see Jesus today.


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