May 6, Reading 3 – 2 Peter 3


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Peter gives a three-point sermon in this chapter: I want to stimulate you to wholesome thinking, so recall these points from the Scriptures: Scoffers, The Lord’s Patience, The Motivation To Holy and Godly Lives. What should you apply today?

SJA Notes

* Dear God, thank You for this day, and for Your word given to us today.

“But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.”

Here is the big picture for us, God’s people!

We don’t just have a little hope, maybe a house or a university degree or a successful business.

We have this GREAT and MIGHTY hope, the promise from God Himself, and the promise OF God.

The new heavens and a new earth.

But not just made over like what happened in the great flood of Noah’s day. See how Peter clarifies this.

This new creation is COMPLETELY NEW.

And God’s promise to us is that this will be where righteousness dwells.

In Revelation 21 we read,

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.'”

God is righteousness, and He will dwell with us! Hallelujah, what a promise we have!

* Gracious Father,

Thank You for this wonderful, steady, sure, great and mighty hope that we have in You.

For a new heavens and a new earth.

Please remind us of this Lord God, as the day grows long, when the shadows weigh in on us, when life is hard and lonely and we feel lost.

For what a hope this is!

Thank You Lord.


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