SAA Notes
These are well-known words read every Christmas. Remember the marriage customs of the time ā what we call engagement was considered marriage then. It was the legal part of the marriage and could be performed years before the actual wedding ceremony. Mary would not have been allowed to see Joseph before the wedding, but she was already his wife legally.
SJA Notes
* Dear God, thank You for Your word written down for us to read today.
“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, …”
Imagine the noise of this song, the chorus reverberating through the hills around the shepherds and their sheep.
What a moment that must have been – To hear the angels of God singing, praising God … A multitude!
And then you can imagine the hearts of the shepherds, beating fast, as they made their way to the stable, the humble place where animals slept and ate.
Here is the KING!
The shepherds burst forth with praise and glory to God; joy and praise and HALLELUJAHS ringing forth.
This is a wonderful encouragement to us that we might step forth ourselves with praise to our King.
The same King that the shepherds witnessed.
The same King that the multitude of the heavenly host praised.
Hallelujah, what a Saviour!
* God Almighty,
You are God. We are Your creation.
Please fix within us an earnest desire to proclaim You, Your glory.
Remind us of the wonder that the shepherds felt as they heard the goodnews.
Thank You that we today can SEE JESUS through Your word read and preached and proclaimed to us.