May 13, Reading 1 – Numbers 23:27-24:25


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SAA Notes

Balaam utters seven oracles – seven is the number representing completion or whole. Biblical history reveals God’s purpose and intention. Israel’s king will be greater than the greatest existing king! The great national powers rise and fall. God’s word stands! This is a wonderful hope and realisation!

SJA Notes

* Holy God, You are in the heavens, You do as You please. You are our help and our shield, Hallelujah!

“… The oracle of the man whose eye is opened.”

This whole story is told entirely from _outside_ the camp of Israel. From the point of view of an observer, watching Israel from far off.

Balak again thinks that God will change His mind and curse Israel, the king is stubborn in his futile thought.

Balaam though had a significant change in his understanding, when he saw that God was only going to bless Israel.

Here – not like the other times – he sees all of Israel camping, tribe by tribe.

Balaam sees the whole truth, not just a fraction, a fragment. He sees God for who He is when he sees God’s people.

Balaam sees the reality of God’s rescue plan from Egypt, and the folly of opposing God’s purposes that will be carried out through His people.

Balak the king does not understand.

And buried here we get a wonderful foreshadowing of Jesus,

“… A star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel;”

Jesus the star of heaven, the ruling scepter of justice and mercy!

* Dear Lord God,

Please help us to store Your word in our hearts that we might not sin against You.


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