February 14, Reading 3 – Acts 1


Audio, Visual

** Note that this reading plan takes a little different route to get from Matthew through to Revelation across the year. Case in point, reading Acts directly after Matthew. There is good method at work, helping us read through the New Testament with the gospels salted throughout the year. **

SAA Notes

It is best to think of Acts as a continuation of the themes and message of the Gospel of Luke. Luke spoke to the eye-witnesses of these 40 days. This age is the Day of Jesus Christ. His work will continue until He returns in consummation.

SJA Notes

* Dear God Above, please teach us from Your word today.

“He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.”

Jesus rose from the dead.

It is an impossible thought for most ways of thinking.

You cannot conquer death.

But that is what the Christ-Follower believes – That Jesus rose having defeated sin, the devil and death itself.

For forty days He ministered to His people, preaching the same message as before His death – The Kingdom of God.

People saw Jesus, He presented many proofs. The gospels and this passage in Acts are historical documents (they are more than that obviously, but they are that too).

Jesus presented Himself for forty days, and then ascended to the throne of the kingdom of God.

An impossible man being God having done an impossible thing.

For what is impossible with man is absolutely possible with God.

This is our God!

* Father God,

Thank You that we rest fully and completely in Your resurrection from the dead.

If that were not true, then we are of all people to be pitied.

But it is true! – For You are God and You have broken down the barrier of death, making it possible for us sinners to know You the perfect sinless God, to be loved by You and to love as You have loved us.

Thank You Lord!


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