February 14, Reading 1 – Exodus 4


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Moses did not want to be the saviour of Israel. He tried various excuses before he stated categorically in verse 12: Please send someone else to do it! God did not let Moses off the hook, though He made Aaron Moses’ spokesman. Righteousness is expected of a Saviour. Moses has deliberately neglected the covenant sign of circumcision for his own sons.

SJA Notes

* God of Light, please show us more of You today, and more of how we can serve You better.

“Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.”

There is much in this strong word from God to Moses.

Rebuke. Exhortation. Encouragement.

Can you imagine hearing from God and still stubbornly refusing!

That’s just what Moses did.

And we too, we have stubbornly refused God’s word.

He has given to us His word, the full weight of it for humanity to read, from Genesis through to Revelation – old and new testaments combined (and nothing left out or added in).

And yet we can ignore it, or reject it, or as with Moses stubbornly refuse to take hold of the responsibility God is laying on our shoulders.

Of course Moses did take up the mantle, and he led Israel through their desert journey to the Promised Land.

We too can take up the responsibilities that God has placed on us, even though perhaps we have railed against them and against Him for giving them to us.

But who made us? Who makes us what we are? Who puts us into the situations we are in and gives us the opportunities that come?

It is the LORD. I AM WHO I AM.

He will be with us, will be with our mouth and teach us what to say.

Let us therefore go.

* Father God in Heaven,

You have called us to the harvest, please mark us as faithful servants.

Good soil, healthy vine branches, yielding and bearing much fruit!

May we teach others of You and Your love for us, Your saving power, Your work at the cross, Your power over death, the hope we have of resurrection through You the Son’s resurrection on that third day!


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