January 26, Reading 2 – Psalm 1, 2, 3


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

The themes of the first two psalms are the Law of Moses (Ps.1) and the Prophets (Ps.2). Psalm 3 arises out of terrible anguish of heart. David’s own son has tried to kill him!

SJA Notes

* God of Light, You close the lilies of the field, You feed the birds of the air – Please help us remember to cast our cares of You, for You care for us.

“Blessed is the man …”

Right at the very start of Psalms we see that Job (from the previous book) is a clear example of this practicing believer described here.

The walking, standing and sitting, showing godly wisdom.

This is an encouragement and a conviction for us.

Let us not walk as or stand with or sit within the mindsets and frameworks, the practices and thoughts of the wicked, those who scoff at our Lord God!

What are we to do though?

Turn to God’s word. Our delight, our roadmap, our constant mirror telling us the truth, the only true source of any wisdom we might seek or have.

And not once every year or seasonally, but every single day – Meditating on it, asking for help from God to understand, grasping hold of whatever He has in store for us that day.

Remember the exhortation of the Berean christians from Acts 17,

“… They received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if those things were so.”

We are to be a people of God’s word!

This means testing the words of those around us, even a wonderfully gift orator, or our best friend – Testing the thoughts on our hearts about little or big things, popular ideologies, our grand dreams and even our hard-won experiences.

Everything is to be wrestled with through the lends of God’s word.

Nothing is too important that it cannot be measured against scripture.

* Almighty God,

Thank You for the Psalms – They are a wealth of human emotion and experience for us to dwell on.

Please show us today what You want for us.

Thank You for Jesus, who while on earth showed us more completely than even someone like Job ever could – How to live for You, to show Your love to those around us, to serve You with all humility.


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