January 17, Reading 1 – Genesis 23


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SAA Notes

Death is something we must all face. What example do you see in this chapter from the way Abraham handles the death of his beloved Sarah? The only plot of ground that Abraham owns in the Promised Land, is the family grave. Be encouraged by this parallel with our own situation in this present earth.

SJA Notes

* Father in Heaven, You are God. We are Your creation. Please show us a little more of who You are today.

“After this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah east of Mamre (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan.”

There is value in thinking through what Abraham had to work through himself.

Here was a man that God spoke with directly and made great promises to.

Promises of blessing, descendants, and of land.

God promises Abraham that this land of Canaan would one day belong to the Hebrew nation.

But Abraham would never see it!

He had this plot of land where his beloved Sarah was buried. That’s it.

The book of Hebrews in the new testament tells us that _faith_ is what marks Abraham.

A faith in action. Trusting God beyond our limitations. Resting in His promises and true and sure.

Abraham knew his Saviour, as we do.

So we can be encouraged by Abraham’s witness and example.

We have an inheritance even deeper than an earthly portion of land.

One day we, God’s people, will all join together there – The bride adorned for her husband – Where God will dwell with us and be our light.

What a hope this is!

* Lord God,

Thank You for Abraham’s faithful example here.

Thank You that even though we see now as through a glass dimly, one day we will see in full.

We look forward to that day!


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