July 10, Reading 1 – Judges 3:5-31


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SAA Notes

You will notice a downward spiral as judge succeeds judge. Othniel marries Caleb’s daughter Acsah. He has the spiritual strength of the wilderness generation. Israel’s long-time enemies are all mentioned – Aram, Moab, Amalek, Ammon, the Philistine confederation. Political decay on a national scale is a dangerous time for any people.

SJA Notes

* God Above, may we bless You at all times, Your praise continually in our mouth. Let us Your people exalt Your name together!

“And the land had rest for …”

This periodic rest is repeated through the book of Judges.

This is a sign of God’s providence to His people, giving them rest from their enemies, time to enjoy the land.

However. This is also a sign of what was wrong.

The rest was limited! Finite.

This is why we need Jesus.

The rest Jesus brings is ETERNAL.

Though we see as through a glass dimly now, we trust that our true and complete, fulfilled, rest comes in the _not yet_, when our King returns to take us home to glory.

God is building for us a new heaven and a new earth, where this rest is.

This is a place, as we read in Revelation 21, where God will dwell with us, His people, wiping away every tear. Death shall be no more.

Rest eternal. Dwelling with God, Him with us. Free from pain, corruption, sin.


* Father God,

Thank You and praise You for Your wonderful promises to us.

We hold to the strong and steady hope in the true sabbath rest that You have promised us. Life eternal.

Thank You for saving us, our new life in Jesus.


July 9, Reading 1 – Judges 2:6-3:4


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There is a cycle to the history related in the Book of Judges. That cycle is: the people begin to disobey the word of the Lord and begin to worship God according to their own light. Idolatry rears its head. God brings an enemy upon Israel. The people repent, so God brings a Judge who delivers the people from their oppressors. When the judge dies, the people fall immediately into idolatry and the cycle begins again.

SJA Notes

* Mighty God, by Your word the heavens were made, by the breath of Your mouth all the host of heaven were created. You spoke and the earth came to be.

“And there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD or the work that he had done for Israel.”

This statement should prod us to look back.

In Deuteronomy 6 we read from Moses of God’s words,

“You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

That pretty much covers most of our waking life – Teach God’s word diligent to our children, in all of life.

We read on in ch 6,

“When your son asks you in time to come, ‘What is the meaning of the testimonies and the statutes and the rules that the LORD our God has commanded you?’ then you shall say to your son, …”

We know that few in Israel did this throughout the book of Judges.

And again we can ask – What of us?

Are we diligently teaching and admonishing the next generation in the scriptures? To teach the little ones of Jesus!

This is not just a command for Israel then, but for us today.

* Lord God Above,

Please help us to reject idolatry in whatever form it comes to us.

Please write Your word on our hearts, each day Your word the only mirror that always tells us the truth – So that our eyes would be open, our minds sober and clear, to know the idols.

Please help us teach the next generation of You.

Thank You Lord, for saving us, for our hope!


July 8, Reading 1 – Judges 1:1-2:5


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SAA Notes

Israel begins to drive out the Canaanites and the Amorites from Palestine. It became easier to make the Canaanites pay tribute, so Israel formed a political accommodation with the stronger cities. This accommodation was a direct cause for the ensuing idolatry. Othniel (1:13) became the first Judge of Israel, as well as Caleb’s son-in-law.

SJA Notes

* Lord God Above, all of Your word is upright, and all Your work is done in faithfulness.

“… Did not drive out the inhabitants of …”

It is no coincidence that the last part of this passage is dedicated to the reality of Israel failing to completely drive out the Canaanites – A command clearly given by the Lord.

We can read the rest of the book of Judges with this lens. It makes clear the _why_ of what happens.

The Lord, both through Moses, Joshua and Himself speaking, told the people that if they didn’t obey Him and drive out the people int he land that those people would be a thorn in their sides, causing idolatry, which would bring about the Lord’s judgement upon them (His people).

So then. What happens?

Exactly that!

Judges is a book that shows us broken people, warts and all, as Israel fail and continue to fail in obedience, choosing to ignore the Lord (not remembering Him).

The people fail to teach and train and tell the next generation of the works that the Lord has done, to fear and obey Him alone.

Is this true for us as it was for them?

Are we teaching our little ones of the mighty works the Lord has done, not just for Israel, but for us!

This is a good encouragement and reminder to us – Remember the Lord!

* Father God,

Please help us to fear You and You alone.

Please help us to remember You in the Person of the Son – Jesus – Who became a curse for us, so that we could (and do) have blessing.

Please help us to tell the next generation of You, to point them to You and You alone.
