February 29

SAA Notes

Choose three readings for yourself from the OT1, OT2 and the NT. Look at the passages that have stood out to you in past times.

I’ve chosen three below:

Genesis 12:1-20


The promise to Abraham that was fulfilled in Christ Jesus.

Psalms 1-2

Psalm 1 – Which has as its theme the Law or Torah (the first five books of the Bible).

Psalm 2 – Which has as its theme the Prophets (Joshua to 2 Kings [not Ruth], then Isaiah to Malachi).

New Testament

One of the resurrection accounts: Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20-21.

March 10, Reading 3 – Acts 16:16-40


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

The Philippian jailor is given a covenant promise – if he believes, then he and his household will be saved. The whole household is baptised immediately at night. The baptism was by sprinkling or pouring (immersion was impossible). It is likewise an unwarranted inference that all the household baptisms would never have children in them. The likelihood is the other way.

SJA Notes

* Dear God, thank You for saving us through Jesus.

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

What a question this is!

A heart that knows it needs a saviour, no stubborn will or resistant mind.

The jailer was a man at the brink of a bad end, about to end his own life because he knew his masters surely would (that the prisoners had escaped).

But they had not, and he trembled with reverent fear.

And asked that question,

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

It is good to us to be reminded of this desperate plea, this desire to be saved.

May those around us be drawn to this state and come and see Jesus.

* Mighty God,

Please save those around us Lord God.

May they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as King and Saviour.


March 9, Reading 3 – Acts 15:36-16:15


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Paul and Barnabas’s disagreement over John Mark shows that as Matthew Henry said: “the best of men are but men, subject to like passions as we are. … only Christ’s example is … without blot.” Notice it is the Lord who opens Lydia’s heart, not Paul’s persuasive preaching. Pray always without ceasing!

SJA Notes

* God Above, thank You for giving us Jesus, Your word become flesh, who saves us from our sin.

“And there arose a sharp disagreement,”

Even Barnabas, the son of encouragement, had discouragement in his relationships.

We are not told a lot of what happened, but can glean a few things.

Barnabas and Paul had a disagreement over whether or not to bring along a believer who had previously lacked courage and conviction.

They argued.

And it was _sharp_.

Jesus is the ONLY example that matters, that we should aspire to. Anything in another human that resonates with us should only be what they are reflecting of our God, and so the glory and honour belongs to Him, not us.

We don’t look to the copies and raise them up as heroes.

There is only one hero, one to worship – It is King Jesus, God in the Person of the Son.

Nobody else can stand or measure up.

We know this because God’s word teaches us this, and because we can see the truth if our eyes are opened to it.

That even the best of us is broken and unable to be worthy on our own volition.

We need Jesus.

Let us see Him today, draw near to Him, listen to Him.

* Gracious Lord,

Thank You that Jesus, You the son, is the perfect and supreme example of how to live for You.

The PRIME and ONLY and EVERLASTING example of what it means to submit under Your will, to love You and serve You.

Please help us be more like Him.

Sink us in self that we might rise in Thee.
