July 3, Reading 1 – Joshua 18, 19


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There is one detail that recurs throughout the Bible – men or angels who survey or measure the land. This recurs in Zechariah 2 and Revelation 21:15. If you belong to Jesus, there will be a place for you, just as He promised. John 14:2

SJA Notes

* God Almighty, to You we call – You are our rock, be not deaf to us. Hear our pleas for mercy, our cries for Your help.

“How long will you put off going in to take possession of the land, …”

The allotment of the land of Israel between the tribes continues.

Here we see Joshua as he calls out the remaining tribes, convicting them of not following the Lord’s command.

The Lord was going to go before them, but they still needed to act and move!

The enemies of Israel were, in large part, removed – The land was waiting.

Joshua gives the people a prod.

And the distribution of the land to the tribes is carried out by lot, letting the Lord decide who got what portions of the land.

God is our King. He has won the fight against the great enemy. He is the one that leads us away from temptation and delivers us from evil.

God is the one who has allotted to us our inheritance in the true promised land.

What then have we to do?

Trust and obey, for there’s no other way!

* Gracious Lord God,

Please teach us from Your word today.

Please show us Jesus.

Please help us to trust in You and walk in humble obedience each day.


July 3, Reading 2 – Isaiah 13


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Babylon was the Washington or Moscow of its day. Babylon was just then becoming the world power. She was like the US at the end of World War I – great potential but still subdued. That was soon to pass. Isaiah reminds us that the great nations and powers cannot oppose God’s judgment on their actions. (verse 11)

SJA Notes

* Dear God, thank You for Your word. Please show us Your wisdom today.

“Therefore I will make the heavens tremble, and the earth will be shaken out of its place, at the wrath of the LORD of hosts in the day of his fierce anger.”

While this passage tells of the destruction of great Babylon at the hands of the Medes and Persians, we can also see the day to come when God’s judgement will be meted out.

“I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity;”

There is a hard truth here.

God’s final judgement is coming.

And the only rescue from God’s wrath is found in the true vine, the root and stump of Jesse – Our King Jesus!

He has saved us from the just punishment for our sin. But only Him, Him alone. Don’t be fooled into thinking there are many ways to heaven.

There is one way. One Lord. One King. One Saviour.

Let us be reminded of God’s work today for us.

* Father God,

Thank You that in Jesus we find refuge. In the now, and in the not yet – That sure and steady promise to be brought into Your presence on that final day.

Thank You for Your word. Please give us opportunity to spread Your word to those around us.

Please give us courage and conviction to point people to You.


July 3, Reading 3 – 1 Thessalonians 4


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Faith and works go together and should never be separated. Faith without works is dead, and works without faith is fruitless and directionless. What ambition fills your heart? Does it line up with Scripture?

SJA Notes

* Dear God, please show us what You want us to understand from Your word today.

“Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.”

We are able to read this passage and hear Paul’s words to us today.

Paul was human, and he died.

He is in the first segment of people,

“And the dead in Christ will rise first.”

But when he wrote, he was alive, and so places himself in the segment of God’s people who will be alive when Jesus returns (because no man knows the day nor the hour) – Writing encouragement to us all.

Because whether we are raised in Christ first because we have died or alive and caught up together with those dead to meet our Lord in the air – It doesn’t matter!

We all, all of us, whether we shuffle off or whether we still breathe life in this world when the King of Ages returns – We all of God’s people get to ALWAYS BE WITH THE LORD.

This should be of great encouragement to us today.


* Father God,

Thank You for Your Word here that we read – That You that whether we are raised first or caught up second we will have finished our race, and will be with You always.


Thank You Lord God for this hope, what a hope! What a Saviour!
