December 4, Reading 3 – 1 John 4


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SAA Notes

What verse in today’s reading do you think would be a good one to memorise. This is another famous chapter on love.

SJA Notes

* Lord God, thank You for Your love for us, even though we were unworthy. Please refine us today.

“In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

Here is the order of things.

Here is what true love looks like.

It is not from us, we don’t do God a favour by showing our love to Him.

Instead it is God’s favour to us that shows us what it means to love.

His love for us is so mighty, so deep, so full that one Person of the Trinity God would come down to live as a man and be crucified and take the punishment _and_ be the payment for our sins.

What a God this is, what a love He shows us!

* Loving Father,

Thank You for Your love, that we see so clearly in the work of Jesus on the cross.

God the Son taking on the punishment from God the Father that was justly meant for us.

Thank You for Your grace and Your mercy.

Thank You that in You we find life, and life to the full!


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