December 31, Reading 3 – Revelation 22:6-21


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SAA Notes

Jesus is coming! This thought is repeated throughout these closing verses. May those people we pray for all come to say: Amen. Come Lord Jesus!

SJA Notes

* God Above, You are holy. We are Your people whom You have chosen. Please teach us today from Your word.

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”

Here we are at the very last passage in God’s word, His testimonies to us, His precepts and laws and commands.

And here we read that Jesus, God’s word become flesh – THE WORD has been sent as a testimony _for us_.

We are “the churches”, throughout the span of time and location across the earth.

God’s word is alive for us today. This is not a wishful exuberant thought, but a deep reality.

Jesus knows and knew each of us at the time John wrote this revelation. He was speaking about us.

Praise God for His word!

Here at the end we see the culmination of Him working together all things for our good – We are to be encouraged, convicted, exhorted and rebuked.

At the end – Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

* Almighty God,

We praise Your Name!

You are good and just, right and true.

No lie comes from You, Your love is steadfast and without end.

You are the TRUE God, there is none like You.

You are the Creator God who is preparing for us a place, making all things new.

You are Father, Son and Spirit – Three Persons, One God, at work for our good.

You are God, and we praise Your Name!


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