October 14, Reading 1 – 2 Kings 15:32-16:20


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SAA Notes

Jotham was a steadfast believer. 2 Chronicles 27:6. His son Ahaz, however, was a cat of a different stripe. Ahaz was one of those who stood in Solomon’s sin and sacrificed their sons in the fire to Molech (the King of Heaven) or Baal (the Lord). We need to be discerning with “Christians” who would have us worship the “Lord” in a way contrary to Scripture. What “Lord” is he?

SJA Notes

* Mighty God, teach us good judgement and knowledge, we believe in Your commandments!

“And King Ahaz sent to Uriah the priest a model of the altar, and its pattern, exact in all its details.”

Turning to false gods leads to false practice and creates broken (false) copies of the heavenly things.

In a mockery of the planning and architecture of the tabernacle that God directed under Moses, and that of the template under David and then Solomon, here we have a king giving our plans for a false altar.

Ahaz did a lot of harm. He went ripping and tearing through the church, the people, as well as the physical temple building.

Ahaz instituted practices that Jeroboam and others had done before him, taking the good worship of the true God and twisting it into falseness and darkness.

Was our God lessened before of this, made a bit weaker, shown to be not all that?


No power can sway His purpose, no might compares to Him, no mind can thwart His will.

We see true today. God’s beautiful church, His people – rent by schisms, by heresies torn asunder.

Yet we hold to Jesus, a king like no other, who is the builder (continuing) of His church!

God kept a faithful remnant of His people, through all these kings, through the exile, through the return.

And God keeps us today! Through His steadfast love and faithfulness.

He is not lessened by other religions rising and falling, by political movements, social agendas, nations and powers moving and shaking.

He is our God. THE God. Creator. Sustainer. Life-giver.

The ONE, TRUE and HOLY God – There is no other!

* God Above,

You are the true and living God, we praise Your Name!

You are the one who created all that we see, and all that we don’t see.

You are the three-Persons, One God – the pattern of unity, the power that creates and sustains, the one true source of wisdom and of life itself.

Thank You Lord, for all that You are.


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