July 4, Reading 2 – Isaiah 14


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Compassion is a major characteristic of God and so of believers. Israel had to go through suffering, turmoil and cruel bondage. God’s promised word was to sustain them as us in such times of almost unbelievable cruelty and hardship.

SJA Notes

* Faithful God, Your word is true, never void, and none of Your promises fall to the ground undone. Please help us know You better today.

“For the LORD of hosts has purposes, and who will annul it? His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back?”

We can think of God’s sovereignty in terms of GOOD THINGS. Our names written in the book of life, our salvation and rescue through Jesus, our inheritance in glory.

But here in Isaiah we are pointed to the other side of the coin of God’s sovereignty.

Judgement. Destruction. Wrath.

We read,

“His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back?”

This is a coin-truth, one of two very important truths.

How much impetus this can give us to point people to Jesus!

Because of BLESSING. But too, because of CURSE.

This is a good word, the gospel, the message of wonder and hope – Escape God’s (just) wrath in Jesus! Find rest and rescue, home and heart in Him!

We need a right and true, healthy, balance of both sides in our thinking, our words, our actions.

* Almighty God,

Thank You that Your word reminds us of Your sovereignty. To save and to judge.

Please save our loved ones Lord God. Please call them and may they answer!

Please save those around us, please rescue us sinners from Your judgement!


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