July 28, Reading 1 – Ruth 3, 4


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Besides being a love story with some unusual, humorous and romantic twists, Ruth is a book that brings us down to earth where spiritual things is concerned. Ruth’s salvation is part and parcel of the redemption of the land! Our salvation is part and parcel of the redemption of the earth! We are saved in order to LIVE on the earth life to the full! John 10:10.

SJA Notes

* Dear Lord God, have mercy upon us according to Your steadfast love. According to Your abundant mercy please blot out our transgressions.

“And the women of the neighborhood gave him a name, saying, ‘A son has been born to Naomi.’ They named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David.”

Here is the build-up and conclusion to this wonderful story of love and hope.

Ruth and Boaz are bound up in marriage, and Naomi now nurses her grandson in her lap.

We see this son of hope born, and the writer makes it very clear what that hope was about.

Obed -> Jesse -> David.

The king would come!

How blessed are God’s people to know the true King of kings, Jesus – God in the Person of the Son.

Jesus was around long before David was born. He is the one to whom David gave glory and worship and submission.

Praise God for our King Jesus, whom all our hope rests and finds its weight and worth in.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

* God Above,

We thank You and praise You for how You work in our lives.

Please help us to point to You. Please make us more like Jesus.

Thank You Lord!


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