SAA Notes
Moses recorded every stage of their journey. The succeeding generations needed to know that God kept Israel throughout all their journeys. He knows each stage of your life too. The invasion of Canaan is founded in God’s judgment – with the warning to Israel that the same awaits them if they too are unfaithful to their Creator.
SJA Notes
* Holy God, blessed is the one who makes You their trust. You are the LORD God Almighty, none can compare with You!
“On their gods also the LORD executed judgements.”
There is a symmetry here with the exodus from Egypt (God stamping down the judgement on the Egyptians, on their gods) and the entry and order into the promised land (the eradication of other gods).
“… And destroy all their figured stones and destroy all their metal images and demolish all their high places.”
_Have no other gods but ME_, says the Lord.
He said it loud and clear as Israel left Egypt.
He says it here as Israel were given the responsibility to act and drive out the people and wipe their gods from the land. Other gods, NOT-YAHWEH gods.
We are called to do the same. To have a single God, the LORD – No other gods but Him.
And the land we are promised, the kingdom that cannot be shaken, our King Jesus is preparing it.
We read in Hebrews 12,
“But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, …”
We have a kingdom that cannot be shaken!
What is it then to us but that we offer ourselves to God as living sacrifices, acceptable worship, with reverence and awe (Hebrews 12:28).
This will guard us in the HERE NOW against idolatry, while we for the NOT YET THERE.
* Dear Lord,
You are a holy God who does not accept other gods.
Please help us to have no other gods but YOU.
Please guard our hearts and minds against idolatry.
Please write Your word on our hearts, to protect us Lord, to teach us Your ways.