SAA Notes
Isn’t it wonderful that a day is coming when God will visit us? Pray that He will visit us in revival, as well as looking for That Day when Jesus returns. There is much thought for husbands and wives here too.
SJA Notes
* Mighty God, Your word to us is mighty. Please write it on our hearts today.
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”
It can be a strange thought that the Holy God would, and could, suffer.
Here was the true man, the sinless lamb, God in the Person of the Son.
We remember that He was both fully God and fully man.
The idea that the perfect God would suffer can boggle the mind.
The idea that the all-powerful-without-equal God would suffer for His enemies is a great philosophical thought-mine.
God’s word tells us the truth.
He did suffer.
He was mistreated and laughed at by His creation. As He went to the cross He experienced the most painful suffering in history (physical, mental, spiritual).
Our King was punished by His Father, the full cup of His wrath poured out on the sinless man.
For us! God’s people.
“By his wounds you have been healed.”
We were like sheep gone astray, but now have returned to the Good Shepherd, the Overseer of our souls.
* Father God,
Thank You for Jesus’ work, that He has called us back, we who were once Your enemies now counted as Your people.
Hallelujah, what a Saviour You are!