SAA Notes
Everyone knew that Jesus was a son (descendant) of David. Verse 23 has the question as to whether Jesus could be the SON of David – the one prophesied about, the coming Messiah. Notice Jesus’ warning in verses 40+ regarding how we receive His resurrection.
SJA Notes
* God of mercy and grace, please teach us today that we might grow in our knowledge and understanding of You.
“The men of Ninevah will rise up at the judgement with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.”
Something greater is here!
These words of Jesus are to grip our hearts and minds – Something greater than Jonah, who preached God’s word and a hundred thousand people in the mighty city of Ninevah repented. Something greater than Solomon, whose wisdom was renown and unequalled in his time.
Do we recognise that Jesus is GREATER?
We must fix this firmly in our minds, unwavering, that our King Jesus is greater. Greater than those around us, greater than the best of men, greater than the current group think, greater than the world powers, greater than the spirits and beings and the powers of the air.
He is greater than everything. He is greater than us.
Rather than this being a source of consternation and frustration, this can be relief and blessing to us!
We have a King who is GREATER.
* Father God, Lord Above,
Please forgive us our sins Lord.
Please aright our hearts and minds to Your path as we walk this road.
Thank You that You are something GREATER.